Thursday, July 04, 2013

An introduction to my A5 Pink Finsbury!

Hi everyone! This is my beautiful pink A5 finsbury Filofax which I completely adore. Before this, I had my first Filofax which was a black A5 identity. The colour just stands out and makes me fall in love with it! I don't have a name, nothing seems to fit, but that doesn't really bother me. I bought her from Amazon for roughly £60 on a Friday night, and it arrived Monday morning. I have never felt more stressed and excited to receive a parcel in my LIFE!! So anyway, one it arrived I practically moved into it right away, but changed a few things as I wasn't happy with the layout of my old Filofax. I wanted it to be fun and colourful with some "personality". 

 This is what the inside looks like. The open-top envelope on the left holds my local gym timetable, then starts the calendars. Seeing as these photos were taken a while ago and I've altered certain things, I will do another blog post detailing my tabs and an 'update'. At least you can see what it looked like before, and what I've currently done to it. But my main tabs include calendars, finance, college, to-dos, reading, film, notes, and projects.

It took me a long time to find the right pens, pencils, and highlighters to use. I was aware of the bad Filofax paper quality, so I knew I needed something which was 'light-weight' and wouldn't run out super fast. I chose to use one of my favourite pens which I originally bought a few months ago to use for college. I also chose to use a mechanical pencil mainly for the reason you don't need to carry a sharpener or rubber with you (this one had a rubber on the top). I have recently changed my choices as I found a matching pen and mechanical pencil which my mom's partner got from her work at Warner Leisure Hotels. They fit perfectly in and I am in love. I will do a more detailed blog post at all my stationary which I currently use, and what I recommend :-)

I am also going to post my week and what I used (inspired by filocuteness). Please keep in turn, and also let me know anything you'd like to know what I use, how I use my Filofax etc. I have more Filofax related blog posts coming up soon!